Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dang. it's been awhile. I was up late last night talking to a friend about some new projects and remembered I had a WHOLE blog I haven't posted on in years.

In an effort of honesty, sometimes exposing yourself completely through a blog can be daunting. I guess i stopped because I was stuck in a dark place for awhile. Not living up to my potential, focusing on the wrong things and the wrong people. Simply put....Not believing in myself and the promise that "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). But F it, its time to stop living in fear and let the sun of my soul shine. So here I am, back at it. I'll keep this short and sweet as this is my last day in the office.

Yep. That's right. I quit my secure, 9-5, just gotta make it til Friday, but dang Monday is only 2 days away, non-fulfilling, quite possible soul-sucking job, in order to live and breathe my passion: Acting, writing, singing, dreaming, creating, living.

Lets get it.